2024 Knowledge Series

During these complimentary sessions, you’ll hear from our experienced team on a variety of forward-looking Medicare Secondary Payer (MSP) related topics with a focus on offering insights that help you stay informed and stay ahead – of both compliance requirements and your competition.

August 8
2:00 pm ET
Section 111 Reporting: Making the Tough Calls
Not every case follows the play book, and sometimes you need to call an audible. Join us as we explore several reporting scenarios and how to come out with a win. With Civil Money Penalties (CMPs) becoming applicable in October, we offer guidance to help avoid getting hit with penalties.

Key takeaways:

    • Reviewing the Section 111 Mandatory Insurer Reporting basics
    • Discussing some of the ‘outside of the norm’ cases and how those scenarios should be reporting to CMS
September 12
2:00 pm ET
Civil Money Penalties: Keeping Your Head Above Water
Civil Money Penalties will make a big splash soon as they become applicable in October. Don’t hold your breath until they’re here. Train now and be ready for next month’s implementation. Join us we take a deep dive into the elements of the Civil Money Penalties final rule.
Key takeaways:

    • Outlining the Final Rule
    • Noting areas of your reporting that you should be reviewing before the final rule is active
    • Providing recommendations for how you should remain proactive in auditing your reporting once the rule is in place
October 10
2:00 pm ET
Settlement Season: Stacking up the Wins
It’s that time of year – time to get some goals! Legacy claims contribute to higher costs for employers and insurers and can bring down the bottom line of any organization. Join us as we discuss addressing yellow cards with pending claims, understanding your specific needs, getting claims in position to score, and enhancing your processes to free up reserves and settle your legacy claims.
Key takeaways:

    • Considering how settlement projects can efficiently lower your overall pending numbers
    • Discussing how to build the parameters of a settlement project
    • Reviewing how to choose the best cases to include in the settlement project
November 14
2:00 pm ET
Annuities & Administration: Acing Your Settlements
The completion of the allocation is not the conclusion of the case. Post-settlement considerations are often left to the end of settlement discussions, which is a missed opportunity. Join us as we pass along information on processes for funding and administration, identify potential pain points, and serve up potential winning solutions.
Key takeaways:

    • Examining how discussing funding and post-settlement administration can help you get in position to score a settlement sooner
    • Exploring the benefits of using structured settlement annuities as part of your settlement process
    • Discussing post-settlement administration options and how their importance is on the rise given the new WCMSA reporting of TPOCS that will be put into place in 2025
December 12
2:00 pm ET
Expanded TPOC Reporting: Navigating a New Run
Don’t get stuck in the slush when CMS expands Total Payment Obligation to the Claimant (TPOC) reporting to include Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set-Aside (WCMSA) data next year. Adjust to the new requirement as easily as schussing down the slopes by joining this educational webinar.
Key takeaways:

    • Understanding the new requirements regarding reporting WCMSA amounts as part of the TPOC settlement reporting process
    • Examining the impact of these new requirements on the Medicare Set-Aside and post-settlement administration process

Completed Webinars
Please email us for the passcode needed to access each recorded session.

July 11
2:00 pm ET
Submission to CMS: I’ve Heard It’s the Only Game in Town
You heard wrong! While it may feel like CMS likes to throw curveballs, nothing has changed and submission to CMS has always been, and remains, a voluntary process. Consideration of Medicare’s interests can be accomplished in several different ways and in this session, we will explore the facts and discuss when to submit to CMS and when not submitting may be the better play.

Key takeaways:

  • Reviewing the legal basis for Medicare Set-Asides and the CMS submission process
  • Examining how non-submitted MSAs are a reasonable consideration of Medicare’s interests
  • Exploring the various types and components of non-submitted MSAs
June 13
2:00 pm ET
Settlements Involving Medicaid: How to Avoid the Rough
It can be tough to get a clear shot down the fairway when dealing with Medicaid liens. While Medicaid does not have the same statutory “consideration of interests” that we work with in Medicare cases, Medicaid can be very impactful on settlements. Join us as we offer tips for avoiding Medicaid lien hazards so you can resolve Medicaid liens and limit exposure of whole settlements to Medicaid recovery.

Key takeaways:

  • Examining the differences between Medicare and Medicaid and how each can impact settlements.
  • Considering how the lien processes are different for Medicare and Medicaid
  • Discussing future medical allocations – specifically when the claimant is both a Medicare and Medicaid recipient
May 9
2:00 pm ET
Conditional Payments: Summit Fever
I thought this claim was done. Now there is another lien? Will I ever get to the top? By knowing the different types of Medicare and how they interact with each other, a claims professional can better identify the scale of difficulty with each claim and more appropriately manage lien exposure. This presentation will assist claims professionals in reaching the summit with each Medicare Beneficiary claim by clarifying the best ways to pinpoint potential lien exposure.
Key takeaways:

    • Distinguishing between the different types of Medicare liens
    • Identifying where to find Medicare Advantage plans
    • Getting a handhold on the importance of resolving all liens as part of the settlement process
April 11
2:00 pm ET
Conditional Payments: Whiplash and Oil Leaks – Does It Have to Be This Way?
Private Cause of Action and Ongoing Responsibility Medical claims can create leaks in your claims or result in whiplash years after administratively closing your claim. By learning Medicare’s systems for search and collection, you can anticipate potential liens and more effectively resolve them without sliding off track. Join us to learn the details that will help you tune up your Medicare Beneficiary claim management.

Key takeaways:

    • Exploring the Medicare Search and Collections process
    • Learning how to manage lien exposure with proper claim management
    • Understanding the ramifications of ORM reporting
March 14
2:00 pm ET
Mitigation Madness: Execute the Right Game Plan to Reduce Future Medical Costs
Join us as we explore various strategies for addressing the primary cost drivers of future medical costs. By the end of the webinar, you will understand the importance of “scouting” as it relates to Medicare Secondary Payer Compliance. This includes knowing your opponent, the current medical file, and anticipating how the game will be called by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). With this knowledge, you can make the right play call at the right time and be poised for a successful settlement.
Key takeaways:

    • Determining how to setup your claim to avoid overfunded allocations
    • Understanding how to mitigate costs
    • Identifying where you may be losing the most money

Looking for a webinar from our last knowledge series?
Find links to watch the webinars on demand here.  

Your Presenters

Photo of Bridget Smith, IMPAXX Senior Vice President, National Accounts and Settlement Consulting in front of an out of focus office background

Bridget Smith
Sr. VP, National Accounts
and Settlement Consulting

Jennifer Shymanski

Vice President,
Implementation and Strategy

Photo of Mark Heberling, IMPAXX Vice President of Settlement Consulting in front of an out of focus office background

Mark Heberling
Vice President,
Settlement Consulting

Photo of Patrick Czuprynski, IMPAXX Director of Lien Resolution in front of an out of focus office background

Patrick Czuprynski
Lien Resolution

Photo of Dawn Dietz, IMPAXX Assistant Vice President of Settlement Consulting in front of an out of focus office background

Dawn Dietz
Assistant VP,
Settlement Consulting

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