Success Spotlight: 96% Success Rate on Zero MSA Submissions

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has no official policy when it comes to approval of a zero Medicare Set-Aside (MSA) waiver. Does CMS base approvals on the amount of settlement? Focus only on whether payments have been made for medical or indemnity benefits as part of the claim? Look for special language or the type of claim being resolved? The answer is it depends on a multitude of factors.
So how do you get zero MSAs approved by CMS? It really starts with your MSA program and the partner you choose to submit on your behalf. A good zero MSA program requires a partner who will work with you on claims and knows what it takes to obtain an approval from CMS. You need a partner who has experience in preparing and submitting zero MSA waivers to CMS and has a track record of success. Also critical to successful outcomes is the background of those preparing the MSA and working with you to bring your case to resolution.
Experienced in submitting zero MSAs, IMPAXX has a 96% success rate on zero MSA submissions where our process was followed. In the last two months alone, we received nine zero MSA waiver approvals. Key to our success is our diverse team with medical, legal and claims backgrounds who work with customers throughout their settlement process.
It turns out that Zero MSA waivers are not a thing of the past. Currently, CMS is reviewing and approving these submissions as they deem appropriate. So, if you have a case you think may qualify for a zero MSA waiver, or just want to learn more, please contact the IMPAXX Settlement Consulting team at [email protected].